EBRI Issue Brief

Satisfaction After Service: Findings From a Focus on Veterans in the 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey

Jan 9, 2025 25  pages


The 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey (WWS) included an oversample of veterans to better understand their opinions about their employer and how they value their workplace-sponsored benefits, as well as the challenges they face balancing work, life, and their finances.

Key Findings

  • About 6 percent of workers surveyed identified as veterans. A plurality of workers with veteran status served in the Army, and nearly one-quarter of veteran workers had a spouse or partner who was also either a veteran or currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
  • Most veterans separated from the military prior to becoming eligible for full military retirement benefits.
  • Veterans tended to report higher levels of financial wellbeing, social wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and workplace wellbeing than their non-veteran counterparts. However, that is not to say that veterans do not face workplace stressors; similar shares of veterans and non-veterans reported worrying about the effects of their employer laying off workers, reducing hours, or reducing wages.
  • Veterans faced similar stressors outside of the workplace as non-veterans. While they were less stressed by paying bills or the amount of debt they had than non-veteran workers, they were more likely to report being stressed by financially supporting loved ones and paying for caregiving services for either an adult or a child.
  • Veteran workers were more likely to report intending to stay with their current employer for the immediate future than non-veteran workers. Both groups responded similarly when asked whether it is beneficial to change employers periodically, although veteran workers tended to express a preference for staying at a single employer for a longer time than non-veteran workers.