EBRI/Greenwald Workplace Wellness Survey

The EBRI/Greenwald Research Workplace Wellness Survey (WWS) examines attitudes toward benefits in the workplace.  It also examines a broad spectrum of financial wellbeing, employment-based health insurance, and retirement benefit issues.  The survey is co-sponsored by EBRI and Greenwald Research.

The 2023 survey is made possible with funding support from the following organizations: AARP, Bank of America, Cigna, Fidelity Investments, Mercer, Merck, Morgan Stanley, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), New York Life, OneAmerica, Unum, and Voya Financial.

For the survey, 1,505 American full-time and part-time workers ages 21–64 were interviewed — this year included a national sample of 1,002 workers and an oversample of 503 completed surveys among caregiver workers, bringing the total to 753 caregiver workers.

The margin of error is +/- 2.6 percentage points for  the total ample of current workers in this study.

Complete findings from the Workplace Wellness Survey are available for Partners.  More information on becoming a Partner is available here or by contacting our Membership Relations Specialist.

Visit this page or contact Paul Fronstin for more information about becoming a survey partner.