EBRI May 2007 Policy Forum #60
The Impact of PPA, FASB, and GASB on Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Policy Forum Agenda
Speaker Biographies
Policy Forum Presentations:
- Today's Pension Investing Playbook: Key Strategies for a New Era -- Defined Benefit Survey Results - Peter Chiappinelli, Pyramis Global Advisors, a Fidelity Investment Company
- Mercer/EBRI Survey: Retirement Program Changes After PPA and New Accounting Rules
- Barbara Marder, Principal, Mercer Human Resource Consulting; Jack
VanDerhei, Temple University, EBRI Fellow; Craig Copeland, Senior
Research Associate, Employee Benefit Research Institute
- Impact of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 on Multiemployer Plan Funding - Andre Latia, FSA, MAAA, EA, The Segal Company
- Impact of PPA on Defined Benefit Plans - Jerry Mingione, Towers Perrin
- Employers' Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans: Statement 158...and Forward - Chris Bone, FSA, Aon Consulting
- The New Pension Paradigm: The Death of DB Plans or a Phoenix Fire Event - William McHugh, Head, Strategic Investment Advisory Group, JPMorgan Asset Management
- The Investment Impact of PPA and FASB on Corporate Defined Benefit Plans - Don Ezra, Director, Investment Strategy, Russell Investment Group
Press Releases:
"Experts Anticipate More U.S. Pension System Changes" [July 17, 2007]
July 2007 EBRI Issue Brief #307 - "Retirement Income Adequacy After PPA and FAS 158: Part One--Plan Sponsors' Reactions"
July 2007 EBRI Notes, Vol. 28, No. 7 - "Experts Track Continuing Evolution of U.S. Pension System"