EBRI December 2014 Policy Forum #75

Measured Matters

Speaker biographies

Agenda and Presentations

Setting the Stage: Research Perspectives from EBRI

PANEL 1: Employment-Based Health Benefits and Big Data
Employers originally started offering health benefits as a way to attract and retain the best workers.  Today, employers are trying to balance cost management with worker health and productivity.  Big data has the potential to revolutionize employment-based health benefits.  Employers and their health plans, working together with researchers, can more easily link health coverage to data on use of health care services, medication adherence, medical outcomes, and worker wellness and productivity.  During this panel you will hear how health plans are using big data, and how employers are using such information to make coverage decisions.

Moderator: Paul Fronstin (EBRI)

Networking Break

PANEL 2: Measures for Assessing Retirement Income Adequacy
Are the traditional measures of success for retirement plan programs adequate for either the employer or the employee?  For decades the typical way of determining whether an employee had sufficient retirement income/wealth to retire at a specific age was to compare some type of a replacement rate with a predetermined threshold.  Recent research has suggested that this may be far too restrictive in treating various post-retirement contingencies such as longevity risk, post-retirement investment risk and the risk of a prolonged stay in a nursing home. This panel will focus on the various methods available for assessing retirement income adequacy for employees as well as a discussion of the best metrics available for determining optimal plan design given the employer's objectives.  This will also include a discussion of quantifying the impact of delayed retirement on employment costs and workforce management.

Moderator: Jack VanDerhei (EBRI)

Wrap-up and key take-away points

Policy Forum Supplementary Materials:

When Workers Won't Retire, Workforce Challenges Arise