Howard On Video Series

The 2019 Lillywhite Award Winner

EBRI is pleased to recognize Segal’s Howard Fluhr as the 2019 winner of the annual Lillywhite Award. Named after Ray Lillywhite, a pioneer in the pension field, the award honors employee benefits professionals for extraordinary lifetime contributions to Americans’ economic security. A longtime leader on issues pertaining to employee benefits, Howard Fluhr is Chairman Emeritus of Segal’s Board of Directors and served as the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer from 1994 through 2005, after which he served as Chairman of their Board of Directors. He was a member of EBRI’s Board of Trustees for 25 years and also its Chairman from 2001 through 2002.

“Howard Fluhr has been an inspiration and mentor to so many employee benefits professionals for decades,” says Stacy Schaus, chair of EBRI. “He is dedicated not only to his clients, but also to the professionals in the volunteer organizations and non-profit organizations he serves, and we are profoundly grateful.”

“EBRI’s Lillywhite Award truly represents EBRI’s mission by honoring those who devote their careers to improving employee benefits, which makes for a stronger American work force and a more secure U.S. economy,” says Lori Lucas, EBRI’s President and CEO. “Howard has been a North Star for those of us in the employee benefits industry. He has dedicated his career to strengthening the retirement and health care systems and finding creative solutions for the benefit of his clients and their constituents. We have been fortunate to have Howard as an integral part of EBRI since the founding of the organization in 1978. Since the early days of our organization, Howard’s innovative, thoughtful approach has contributed to EBRI research and the entire benefits industry.”

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Howard On Video Series

In 2020, EBRI shared Howard Fluhr's insights about the industry in a "Howard On" video series. The first installment examines the value of knowledge in HR and benefits. We hope you enjoy this series that celebrates our mentor and friend.

In this second edition of our Howard On video series, he opines on the evolution of retirement benefits in the U.S. Please note that these are Howard Fluhr's observations and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of EBRI.
In this third installment of our video series showcasing the thoughts of the 2019 Lillywhite Award Winner, Howard Fluhr, Chairman Emeritus of Segal, opines on the evolution of U.S. health and welfare benefits, whether the U.S. will ever adopt nationalized health care, and the role for employers when it comes to employee health.



EBRI Howard On Video #4 “Trends and Stressors in Employee Benefits”
EBRI Howard On Video #5 “Looking to the Future of Employee Benefits”