Policy Forum AgendaPolicy Forum Presentations:
- Long-Term Care Insurance as a Retirement Income Security Product - Paul Yakoboski, American Council of Life Insurers
- Retirement Consumption: Insights from a Survey - John Ameriks, TIAA-CREF Institute
- Investment Advice for Today's Workers: Is It Working? - William Arnone, Ernst & Young LLP
- What Are the Income Replacement Ratios for Employees of Large Corporations? - Jerry Carnegie, Hewitt Associates
- Financing Health Care in Retirement - Deborah Chollet, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
- Who Has Pension Income? Characteristics of Retirees and Their Former Employers - Craig Copeland, Employee Benefit Research Institute
- Debt Burden of Retirees - Al Duarte, InCharge Institute of America & The Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA)
- Oregon's Aging Baby Boomers - Mark Gibson, State of Oregon Department of Health & Human Services
- The Increasing Debt Burden of Older Americans: Will It Undermine Their Retirement? - John Gist, AARP Public Policy Institute
- Discussion of Results of Oregon, Kansas and Massachusetts Studies - Dan Holmes, Fidelity Investments
- The Role of Investment Advice in Getting Today's Employees Ready for Retirement - Andrew Huddart, mPower
- U.S. Population Is Growing Steadily - Martha Farnsworth Riche, Farnsworth Riche & Associates
- State-Specific Income Adequacy Studies - Jack VanDerhei and Craig Copeland, Employee Benefit Research Institute
April 2003 EBRI Notes - "Will Today's Workers Retire With Adequate Income? How Are Today's Retirees Surviving From a Financial Perspective?" - Executive Summary of the April 2003 EBRI Notes developed from materials presented at the December 5, 2002, policy forum.