Wellness Programs: Workplace wellness programs appear to have a bigger impact on medication adherence for some diseases than others, according to new research from EBRI. Press release.
Single/Couple Households: Older singles and older couples tend to face sharply different out-of-pocket expenses for non-recurring health care services such as home health care, nursing home stays, overnight hospital stays, and outpatient surgery—possibly because they do not have a spouse to help as caregivers, according to new research by EBRI. Press release.
CPS: Estimates from the new and redesigned Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau show a drop in the percentage of Americans who participate in a workplace retirement plan. However, the results raise doubts about the use of CPS data to assess current and future retirement plan coverage policies, according to a new analysis by EBRI. Press release.
Generational Views of Benefits: Compared to their older cohorts, Millennial workers are less interested and knowledgeable about their work place benefits, and prefer life insurance over health insurance, according to a new analysis by EBRI. Press release.